New Zealand collaborators


Nuestro colegio participa en el programa de Voluntarios Internacionales.
Es un programa que se lleva a cabo entre la Dirección General de Innovación y Formación del profesorado de la Consejería de Educación y Lattitude Global Volunteering, organización sin ánimo de lucro.
Este acuerdo posibilita que jóvenes preuniversitarios de todo el mundo realicen una prestación voluntaria en países diferentes a los suyos para conocer otra cultura e idioma.
Estos voluntarios colaboran durante 6 meses en centros públicos de primaria que participen en el programa bilingüe promoviendo la internacionalización de nuestra educación y apoyando a nuestros centros a nivel lingüístico y cultural. 
Nuestro colaborador en este curso 2019/2020 que se ha incorporado al Centro el 20 de enero es: Barend Jenkins.
Tras estos meses en el colegio, todos estamos muy orgullosos de esta experiencia.
Barend quiere mostraros su reflexión:
"Kia Ora!
It’s probably obvious because of my apparent lack Spanish speaking skills, but right now I'm experiencing a completely different world than what I’m used to back home in my country of New Zealand. I finished highschool last year in 2019 and what pursued was completely unexpected, I had no idea that I would be living in Spain this time 2020, however as unpredicted as it was, I am internally grateful for my choice to volunteer and teach here. I’m working through a volunteer programme called “Lattitude” (they also do exchanges from Spain to work in New Zealand) and even though I have arrived here with a support net work in place the whole experience was still intimidating to begin with, a new country, with none of my friends from New Zealand or family for that matter, so I was understandably slightly nervous when I first touched down in mid January here in Ponferrada. Nerves are to be completely expected but what exceeded by expectations was the warm welcome and the amazing care that my new friends, fellow teachers and most importantly my international family the Sánchez Montoya’s would give to me. From day one I have felt like a valued member of the community here in Ponferrada so much so that I have to be reminded that I have only been here for a matter of months and not years. My work at the school is so enjoyable, from the teaching and interactions with the wonderful students to the wonderful social environment thats created by the fabulous teachers here at CEIP Campo de los Judios, I feel like I can rely on them if I ever need anything or have a worry, I have to give my sincerest thanks to both the school, teachers and definitely to my Ponferrada family for making my first taste of Spain so sweet. I’m looking forward to spending the next few months here and hopefully improving upon my already fantastic experience even more. "
- Barend Jenkins
Enlaces Institucionales
Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 3